Reach out and say, Hi!

Reach out and say, Hi!
  • Do you have questions?
  • Looking for more information on a topic?
  • Want to learn more about an upcoming PowerShell event?

Send me a message! I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible.

Please be aware that I receive an overwhelming amount of requests for code help with individuals’ scripts. Although I appreciate your interest in my support, my resources are limited and I usually cannot offer individual code help. Just to be clear, I won’t write code for you or fix any of your scripts.

If you need help with coding, I recommend checking out the PowerShell-Help forum. The community is full of talented folks who can help with your coding questions. You can access the forum via Discord or Slack.

The forum is invite only, but all you need to do is follow one of the links I posted above and you will be immediately invited into the forum. Once you’re in, you can find the #powershell-help channel on the left-hand side. It’s the first one listed.